Monday, October 21, 2013

My 30th Birthday

My husband, with the help of my best friends, pulled off the ultimate surprise.
Apparently it has (had) been in the works for months, there were secret text messages being sent, a private facebook group and plenty of whispers when I wasn't looking.
I was so surprised.
Turns out this turning 30 bullshit is actually a gift that just keeps on giving. It has been a non stop celebration since Thursday and isn't over yet.
First of all, thank you for all the love on Thursday. The calls, texts, emails, facebook messages, facebook wall posts, instagram wishes, and face to face love. I sure felt a lot of love. Maizey had crawled into bed with me sometime during the night and when she woke up in the morning she remembered first thing. She rolled into me and whispered Happy Birthday Mama with a little shy smile on her face. I welled up and gave her giant hug. What a fantastic way to start my day. I got to spend the day with my family, I got to go for a long run, I got to have sushi for dinner with my family and friends, I got a home made birthday cake, I got flowers brought home, hand delivered and sent from a friend that is on vacation in Australia right now.  It was a very, very good day.
I had big plans to do nothing all weekend. I didn't feel the need to celebrate much thanks to the little trip I booked for next week. You know, the trip I booked because there was absolutely nothing else going on for the my birthday. Ya, that one.

I don't even know where to start. Maybe with the knock on our front door while I was eating dinner with Ang and Chelsea and the kids on Friday night. I was so super shocked at who was crouched down, hiding beneath the window on my front porch that there was a tiny bit of screeching and laughing and omg what are you doing here??'s.
Wait. There's video evidence! 

I found out that everyone was involved in this surprise visit. We stayed up way too late catching up and laughing and drinking. I thought that was the main event, that my two high school best friends had come to spend the weekend of my birthday with me.
I clearly had no idea.....
Looking back now, I missed a lot of signs. I mean, I walked right past Brians parents car on my way into the bowling alley and didn't even notice. I looked at Angs truck and didn't notice. I saw Alicias car and thought it was a bit early for her to be having sushi for dinner. The thought that she would be at the bowling alley to surprise me never even crossed my mind. For the second time in less than 24 hours I was super shocked. I just thought my friends thought of something we could do with the kids that would be fun for every one.
It seems like everyone was in on this party and I am so grateful. Brian had everything lined up - people, food, babysitter. There was another home made cake and kids bowling and friends laughing. It was so fun. Then the kids went home and the real bowling started.

 Literally only three blog appropriate photos from the entire night. wow. 

You know, the kind with serious trash talk, guys vs girls, MVP's (Obviously, that was me. It's not a big deal. I'm not bragging or anything.), bottomless ceasers. I just have to say, the only thing better than bowling, is doing it with your best friends. The night continued long after the bowling. I remember shooters, a few, not that many. And shooters always lead to my best dance moves obviously. I think Cartwright would agree with that.


We danced and drank and watched the onesie party with amusement and slight jealousy. (don't know what a onesie party is? Just picture grown men and women wearing onesie pyjamas. at the bar. sounds fun, right?!). We partied. Ohhhh, we partied. We ate pizza at 2am and it was so delicious. Oddly enough, the next morning I didn't bounce back like I did when I was 20. Weird.


I had the absolute best weekend. I normally like to think of myself as pretty intuitive, I pay attention to what is going on around me, I notice small comments. Seriously, I knew nothing about this which makes it even more awesome.
Thank you. Everyone, thank you. It is so cool to be on the receiving end of something so thoughtful, so well planned, so totally fitting, and so fun. I could not have asked for a better welcome into the 30's. I think I'm going to like it here.
Next up; Craig Ferguson with my girls. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

On The Eve Of My 30th Birthday

I'm turning 30 tomorrow.

I waver between being perfectly fine with it and crying into my bottle of coors light over it.

I had to fill out a form today where I had to check an age box. Obviously I checked the 25-29 category because today? I am totally still 29.

I'd say I'm like 80/20. I'm mostly fine until I have to say the words. Thhhhirtty. It doesn't sound nice. I kind of choke it out every time.

I don't know why it's hard to say. I mean, I'm doing awesome, I have a fantastic life with a wicked family that loves me so freaking much. I feel good, I like to think I'm a pretty young (almost) 30 year old, I ran a 1/2 marathon a few months ago. I have the worlds absolute best friends. I'm happier and more confident with myself than ever before. I care less and less about what other people think of me and more and more about being happy with myself. It's weird to feel weird about it, when I am actually super happy with where I am at in life.

Ang came over today and I was wiping a thick layer of dust out of a window sill and cleaning a cobweb out of the top corner of it (no joke. don't judge me) and she was like, oh great - now that you are 30 you have to deep clean your house? and we laughed and laughed. 

I have had a line from the Friends episode The One Where They All Turn 30 stuck in my head all day...
      "Monica, you remember mean old Mrs. Kreeger in the 5th grade? She was 30!!"

Naturally, I will be watching that episode tonight.

Last weekend, my girlfriend Chelsea turned 30 (she's wayyy older than me) and we hit the bar as though we were 20. She wore a sash and carried a wand and we stormed the bar in style. A young blonde bimbo bounded over and asked in a high pitched voice who's birthday it was? I pointed Chelsea out and then she exclaimed that it was her birthday on Monday. Oh fun, I said, it's mine on Thursday. She asked how old I was turning so I told her the truth. Oh! She said, I'm turning 21.


Anyways, to ease the transition, I booked a trip for Brian and I. Next weekend, we are off to San Francisco. I will make the jump into my 30's in style.
Until then, I will weep over my lost youth and wrinkles on my forehead.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why Is Fall The Shortest Season?

October is half over.
My favorite month, and it is flying by.
Our anniversary, my birthday, my moms birthday, thanksgiving, beautiful fall weather. All my favorite.

We've visited my parents. We've been for many, many walks. We've rode bikes, thrown rocks into the river, drank a lot of coffee and eaten a few hippy bombs. We have pulled out winter coats and boots, and officially put away the flip flops. We are getting cleaned up from summer fun and getting ready to hunker down in the snow. We hosted one more bbq pizza night before putting the cover on the bbq for the last time. I am down to one twisted tea in the fridge and I don't feel the need to buy more. We are breathing in the cool autumn air, while enjoying how beautiful our town is at this time year.



If I'm being honest, I find Thanksgiving one of the hardest times of the year to be away from my family. I am remembering last year when we were (almost) all together in Banff and feeling a wee bit nostalgic about it.

There's still some time left of this month and this fall and we plan on taking full advantage of it.